Negotiating salary isn’t easy, and it can be especially difficult for women. In general, women are less likely to ask for more money when they are offered a job and more likely to stay in a lower paid job. Reasons vary, but some of it involves being uncomfortable discussing salary and being hesitant to ask for more. The Gender Pay Gap The fact that women earn less than men complicates the salary situation. The only time there isn’t a gender gap between men and women is when you compare single childless men and women. After that, the playing field isn’t even “The data show that women pay a penalty for marrying and having children — even when they never prioritize family over work. The only time the pay gap is 0.0 percent is when we compare single, childless men and women, with the same jobs and experience, who never prioritize the personal over the professional. What this means is that the pay gap is due at least partly to unconscious bias. Even when they have the same jobs as men, a...